Friday, October 1, 2010

The Casbys 2010

Hey Everyone!

I'm new here, so check out my other sites for more of my info at the top of this page as well as this one. Alright so i checked out the casbys last night and stayed for about half of the show. Hot Hot Heat played first, starting off strong! Next was my man Ko who rocked the house hard as usual! i can't wait to see what he does next, because if he keeps up with his grounded-indie status i think he's gonna revolutionize a lot in the music world..I'm all for keeping your roots! After seeing him, who i went to the show for, ended up catching the end of Elias and a few songs by The Trews who were pretty rad as well :) after that we ended up leaving to go to the Vapour Lounge where a supppper wicked comedy show was going and they were actually funny this time!
Check out Ko's facebook - to see some casby vids with me in them!! anyways, in class listening to my teacher convincing us to create as many websites as possible to promote ourselves and our bands so i gotta bounce! live music, love music, and cherish music!
one love,

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