Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Walk Off The Earth in The Hammer

Auuulrightttt so i know i haven't posted the review of 40oz yet but it will come in due time with a wicked little video :) So last Friday November 5th I took a little trip down to Hamilton to see Walk Off The Earth play a show with Staylefish. The night had it's ups and downs (including a run in with the cops) but all in all it was a great night and show! It had been an all ages show starting at 6:30 so when we showed up at 9 the drunks were in full effect with a couple bar brawls here and there and underagers who had had one too many pre-drinks. I definitely prefer 19+ shows but anywhere WOTE is playing i will go. They have had a few changes in the band the last few weeks, with Petey Pablo leaving the drumming scene to focus on the management side of the band which means they have been trying out new drummers. The lack of knowledge about their music with the drummers lead to not all of my favourite songs being played but at least they still played my number one favourite, Coolin'. My friend Chantelle is a wicked drummer and i'm trying to push her to try out for the band; even Gianni was down for it! After some drinks with the guys we headed back to the stage to watch a few Staylefish songs, with Dreddie ripping up the stage as usual. Overall the bands played well (actually i can't say that for the previous bands) but WOTE and Staylefish did their thing as usual, coming out with great success! I've also been offered help from a band mate of mine for work after i'm done school and an apprenticeship during school so i'm hoping all of that will follow through nicely :) Great friends, Great music, and Great beer made it a Great night for the books. I suggest you all check out WOTE and Staylefish if you haven't had the chance yet. 

One Love!

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